The website of Allene R. Lowrey
It’s a tragedy that President Trump didn’t use this moment to try to cut more, and to cut the biggest unsustainable spending: Medicare and Social Security. Source: Hacking Away at the Budget Is the Humane Thing To Do – Hear, hear! When you’re deep in debt, the thing to do is decrease your spending,…
Einarr stood in the dirt ring cleared for glíma, studying his opponent. For a hundred feet around it the field was filled with people watching and cheering and drumming. Jarl Hroaldr and all those at Kjell Hall gathered around.
Just a quick heads up to let everyone know, you can now vote for my web serial on! If you’ve been following the adventure of Einarr and the crew of the Vidofnir, I’d appreciate it if you popped over there and clicked to show your support. (You don’t have to register to vote, although you…
Back in 2008, after making the basic yogurt-based curry from Joy of Cooking several times and never being entirely pleased with it (by the time the sauce started to thicken, it was so spicy I could barely stand it), I stumbled across a Japanese-style chicken curry on the No Recipes blog. He’s updated it several…
Just going to leave this here… Frederick Douglass Hated Socialism.
Spring thaw was not far off, and Stigander was impatient to be off hunting the Grendel. If they were going to act, it would need to be quickly, before the Vidofnir sailed and the two young lovers lost their chance forever.
Gizmodo: Scientists Finally Observed Time Crystals—But What the Hell Are They?