The website of Allene R. Lowrey
With the morning light came the sound of metal striking metal from deep within the cave, rousing Einarr from his uneasy rest. The glow of fire lit the walls, even though Einarr’s had long since burnt itself to ash.
I once again failed to take a photo before I sat down to eat, but this was too tasty not to share (and simple! Oh-so-simple.) Feel free to change out sausage type or seasonings according to your whim. Sausage and Mushrooms Servings: 1 Time: 45 min Difficulty: easy Print Ingredients 1 link Italian Sausage, sliced. I used…
Erik’s weight on Einarr’s narrow shoulders slowed him considerably as he made for the inlet where the Gufuskalam waited with Tyr and their supplies. The man had tried to protest, but every time anything so much as brushed his injured leg he paled.
So much more eloquently put than I could. This is the rationale behind why I stick with that old saw – “I may not agree with what you say, but I’ll defend too the death your right to say it”
If the US has as tolerant a society as it advertises, then why did the mainstream media attack North Carolinians so viciously when they voted to keep traditional bathrooms? And why do bakers go to jail for refusing to crown a wedding cake with two men? Source: We’re All Dictators Now | Mises Wire This…
Scientific American: Food on Enceladus, Old Faithful on Europa Strengthen Case for Finding Alien Life.
The sun in the eye of the storm may have been warm enough by comparison, but the island itself had not yet escaped winter’s chill. More than once as they scaled the rock face Einarr and Erik both nearly lost their footing thanks to the thin layer of hoarfrost that covered the stone.
The Gufuskalam launched out of the storm and into the calm waters beyond it. Rain and sleet still pelted Einarr’s back, but he hardly noticed it now. Black, water-slicked cliffs shot from the ocean’s surface up fifty feet or more. Above, the black-leaved forest where the fimbulvulf was said to dwell loomed over them, rapidly…
“Tolerance is not a demand that you put on the speaker. It’s not a demand that you put on somebody who publishes a cartoon or writes a novel or paints a painting. It’s on the one who watches a cartoon, watches a movie, reads a novel.” Muhammad cartoon publisher Flemming Rose talks about immigration, free… How octopuses, squid, and cuttlefish defy genetics’ ‘central dogma’