The website of Allene R. Lowrey
Just a quick reminder that, for today only, Advent of Ruin is free on Kindle. If you’ve been holding off because of the price, now’s your chance to get it free! If you do/have read it, your honest review means the world to me.
My debut novel Advent of Ruin will be free tomorrow, May 12! If you’ve been holding off on picking up a copy, tomorrow is a great chance to score some awesome fantasy for your weekend. If you have read Advent, your honest review on the platform of your choice would mean a lot to me.
I’m going to regret this, Einarr thought even as he fell. The darkness was nearly complete. Nearly, because the Isinntog about Einarr’s neck gave off a faint white glow. Einarr’s legs plunged into the moldering kitchen refuse of the jotün and his dwarf. The smell that assailed his nose nearly made him vomit. Putrid meat,…
The original recipe for this came from my mother-in-law, and makes some of the best country-style ribs ever. But the original recipe calls for peach baby food, which it seems like nobody carries anymore (or is that just a midwest thing?). Pre-primal, I’d use peach preserves, but that adds a whole lot of sugar to…
After what felt like an eternity of creeping, during which he kept expecting to hear the creak of hinges or feel the vibrations of the giant’s steps on the floor, he made it to the pillar on which he had glimpsed his goal.
Back down the crates he went, dropping from board to board until his feet landed on flagstone once more. The room he needed was all the way across the hall. Dashing across the open floor was tempting, but such was the call an animal would make. That he had seen no sign of the jotün…
A bit of history for your Tuesday: It’s a scandal that few Westerners are even aware, or, if they are aware, they are not conscious, of the bloody reality that prevailed in China between the years 1949 and 1976, the years of communist rule by Mao Zedong. Source: The Horrors of Communist China | Mises…
In the next heartbeat Sinmora was in Einarr’s hand. He pressed himself against the central pillar as he raised the sword to parry the dwarf’s blade. That was a long drop off the other side – one he definitely did not intend to take himself. Axe struck long sword and the dwarf jumped backward, eyeing…
The dwarf stood from his seat at the table and brushed his hands off on his trousers as Einarr pocketed the king Runa had sent with him. He did not miss that his guide hooked an axe onto his belt before setting off, nor that the dwarf evidently felt no need of a cloak where…