The website of Allene R. Lowrey
By the time the Gufuskalam made landfall in the Kjelling lands, not far from where the Vidofnir once again moored, nearly a month had passed since they departed Kem. The seas were smooth and the wind friendly, thanks probably in part to the presence of the Isinntog, and Erik could now move about with the… Holy carp, guys! When did this happen? Last I knew most of the people invoking Odin and Thor were just another flavor of pagan. (My best friends in high school were Wiccan, mostly. At least one of them said he worshipped… Thor?, though.) I state here, for the record and for all time, that… Astronomers discover ‘super-Earth’ planet orbiting nearby star. Gotta admit, my author sense is tingling when the name of the survey used is Hades.
Einarr took off at a sprint down the pier. The two could not have got far yet, and he remembered their faces. Jorir kept up admirably well, despite his shorter legs. “You remember what they look like?” Einarr asked between breaths. “Well enough.” They pulled up short where the pier met dry land. There were…
Einarr had been sure the map was because the harborman didn’t expect he could read right up until he saw the directions that were sketched therein. “Many thanks,” he said, gesturing with the paper. Then he had set out with Jorir into the twisting warrens of Kem’s back streets, glad he had left the bag…
UPDATE: Patreon poll is live! So I’ve been calling it out in the comments for a couple weeks now, but this is the official announcement. There are exactly three chapters remaining before the end of Book One. I hope you’ve enjoyed the ride so far, and I hope you’ll stick with me for Einarr’s next…
For more than a week the Gufuskalam sailed south, pushing as hard as its crew could drive the boat with sail and oar, and for more than a week the black-haired dwarf on board hovered over the injured sailor who had been given into his care. If Erik did not seem to be improving, neither…
Thought this was interesting. Source: Letter to the editor: Are gluten-free diets among people without celiac disease „mass murder“? Re: Long term gluten consumption in adults without celiac disease and risk of coronary heart disease: prospective cohort study | The BMJ
“That piece was given to me before I left on this journey by the woman who will be my bride, so do not scorn it. I’m afraid I’m still going to have to bind you until we’re underway on my boat.” Einarr strode behind Jorir and swiftly wrapped the rope about his wrists in a…