The website of Allene R. Lowrey
World’s worst correspondent… Yep, that sounds like me.
Thane Soggvar turned to the advisor standing behind the throne to his left – a cadaverous shaman Jorir did not recognize. In that same moment, his attention was caught by a figure who very much did not belong in this hall: an elven woman in white, her tall and willowy figure exaggerated by the short,…
io9: Why War for the Planet of the Apes Ended the Way It Did (and Where It Could Go Next) Spoilers abound, but this is actually a really good explanation of why I loved this movie as much as I did. If you haven’t seen the trilogy, it is well worth watching.
The tinkling sound of silver bells filled Einarr’s ears. Testing the fidelity of my love for Runa? Nothing simpler… surely that can’t be it, though? Well, no matter. He hefted the sack of treasure slung over his shoulder so the weight rested more comfortably and the coins tinkled again. Walking along the path up towards…
Morning in Attilsund was marked not by the sun climbing over the tops of the pines but by a gradual lightening from black to grey of the cloud cover that had not yet broken. Einarr awoke groggy after a night filled with restless dreams, that all seemed to end with the realization he was being…