The website of Allene R. Lowrey
So as some of you already know (if you follow me on Facebook), DH and I are expecting our first come May. I’m doing everything in my power to make sure there will be no interruptions to the web serial schedule, and at the same time working on getting a few other things up on…
Einarr’s eyes rolled up into his head as the warm odor of food tried to fill his nose, his mouth, take over his mind. Someone who evidently had not seen the exchange with the show-off took his strange expression to mean that Einarr was choking. Before his vision could truly cloud, a pair of very…
Einarr once more offered Jorir the hilt of his sword in token of their pledge, and the dwarf grasped it without hesitation. “A test, my lord?” Jorir raised an eyebrow, his voice held low. “I was the one on trial, I think. Well, we gave them a story, anyway.” “You!” The show-off from the circle…
Einarr made his opening moves especially eye-catching this round. From his hop-skip out he did a handspring and landed on his toes in a crouch. Rather than rising from his crouch, he bounced around the ring like that, kicking a foot with each bounce, his arms folded. Once he’d completed his circuit he moved to…
The tune the musicians played was an unfamiliar one to Einarr, but that hardly mattered. The rhythm was heavy enough no-one could mistake it, and the fundamentals of the hall dance were in the central competition. Everything else was just warm-up. What quickly became clear was that Einarr had his work cut out for him…
“You’re about to go engage a dead man in a battle of wits. I’m coming.” Tyr dusted off his palms as he stepped over toward the other two. “We’ll be relying on you, then.” Einarr clapped the old sailor on the shoulder. “Y’got that right.” “Let’s get to it, then.” Einarr turned from the gathering…
Happy Thanksgiving, to all my US readers, and Happy Holidays to everyone else! Advent of Ruin will be on Kindle Countdown promotion from Black Friday all the way through until the end of the month. Now’s a great time to pick it up, whether for yourself or for the ebook fan on your list. If you’ve…