The website of Allene R. Lowrey
I went to go put more business cards in my bag literally as the UPS man was leaving this at my door.
Watch me take flak for sharing this. Anyway, as a creative, I can say and show that I agree. Not only have I never received a grant, I’ve never been willing to apply for one. On the other hand, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention my Patreon here. Go, read what Srossel has to say.…
Trabbi the fisherman – Trabbi, who had not once sailed out of Hroaldr’s territory; Trabbi who had no ambition outside his fleet of fishermen; Trabbi, who was nearly as old as Stigander, whose chief virtues were loyalty to his Jarl and an established homestead, whose affection for the girl more resembled a fond uncle’s than…
“The benevolence of governments dictating you must have this or that — free health care, free food, free lodgings — is always a threat of force against those they force to provide you with those.” Hm. Where have I heard that before. Oh, yeah. Hank Rearden. Both of these are worth reading.
Third time’s the charm, so they say, and so my cover file was finally accepted. I should have a physical proof in hand in the next couple weeks, and shortly thereafter have it up for sale for everyone. If you want to know more about this book that I keep blaring my horn about, I’ve…
Einarr knew those boots very well, in fact. Had watched, in any spare moment she could find, as Astrid stitched them herself from the skins of rabbits she had asked him to catch.
Advent of Ruin will face a slight delay, as my dumb butt forgot to account for printing bleeds when I was designing my cover. Assuming there’s nothing else I missed (and there shouldn’t be, according to the email I received), and there’s no delay after I click “publish,” it should be up tomorrow. UPDATE 3/2/16:…
For dinner tonight, neither of us particularly wanted chicken florentine, so I came up with this. It’s primal-ish at worst, and while I was a lazy cave-girl it would be easy enough to put together a salad or some greens. I measured nothing, by the way. All seasonings are to taste. Ingredients Blend the rice…
At the feast that night, every time Einarr attempted to approach Runa, an older man of the Hall deftly slipped between them – holding her chair here, drowning his offer of tafl with a spontaneous verse there, and casting challenging looks at Einarr the entire time.